Sunday, March 4, 2012

Christmas 2011

Here is a small portion of our Christmas pictures from this past year.

The tree.

Thomas wearing his tie that Grandma Christensen made for him.
 The girls in their custom dresses from Grandma Christensen.  She even let them pick out their own fabrics.
 I bought these dresses on a great sale at Kohl's with the intention of using them for family pictures this year, but this is as far as we ever got.  We did finally take a family picture at Abby's baptism in Feb.
 Christmas morning with Santa gifts, Thomas got a glow in the dark hexbug set.
 Abby got her American Girl knockoff that she wanted.
 This was Molly's first year that she actually made a list and remembered what she wanted.  One of the things on her list was Christmas Barbies.  I found this set at Target for like 25 dollars.  She was so excited to get just what she asked for!
 Toby also got just what he asked for!  A 9" band saw!!  Woohoo!!
 I was so happy to get more pieces of my Willow Tree nativity.  And instead of the 100 dollar creche, Toby made me a beautiful, thoughtful, one of a kind creche!!  I love it!!
 All of the kids playing with their new stuff!  Including Toby in the background!
 Aunt Mitzi sent some cool stuff that she got in Laos.  The girls each got a beaded purse and some money from her trip.  Thomas got a shirt and some money!  They think it is sooo cool!  Thanks Aunt Mitzi!

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