Well, halloween was fun this year. We had some friends (Randy and Amy Walker) over for dinner and then she and I took the kids trick or treating, while the guys stayed home to give out candy. I decided not to take the stroller this year as now Molly can walk. I had no idea how tiring it would be to carry her from one house to the next, only putting her down at the doors to get candy. I was so glad to have another adult with me to trade off carrying her. At first Molly didn't quite get what was going on. When i would put her on a doorstep and open her bag for
her, she would reach in and take out a piece of candy and give it to me to open. I would put it back in and she would get so frustrated. All she wanted was to eat just one piece of candy! Of course Thomas and Abby are well experienced and knew exactly what to say and do, my only problem there was keeping up with them. When we finally got home and I gave Molly one piece of candy out of her bag, she was so excited! Of course, Thomas and Abby also each got one piece each, and then it was off to bed for everyone. Our friends left and wished us well with the hyper kids tomorrow! What a great day!
These are pictures of the kids eating their candy before bed.

We carved pumpkins about a week ago and it went pretty well. Abby doesn't like to get her hands dirty, so I scooped out the insides for her. She drew the face all by herself and of course I carved it. Thomas has fun getting in all the muck, so Toby helped him get the stuff out and Thomas also drew his own face. I did Molly's pumpkin for her. She loved them all.

They are so darling! I love it. And it was very brave of you to give up the stroller...we still used one! And I am impressed that they only ate one piece of candy...such better control than us...
I would put it back in and she would get so frustrated.
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